Display Advertising
Your ad will be distributed to over 13,000 homes and businesses within
the North Eastman region and is published in both The Clipper Weekly and
the Lac du Bonnet Clipper.
We offer full colour or black and white advertisements in a variety
of size configurations and will work with you to determine what will
best suit your needs.
Space booking and copy deadline: Mondays, 12:00 noon
Camera Ready Artwork deadline: Mondays, 4:00 p.m.
To request details or assistance on placing a display advertisement in The Clipper, please contact:
Beausejour-Brokenhead & area: Traci Klimchuk, 204-268-4700, traci@clipper.mb.ca
Springfield area: Traci Klimchuk, 204-268-4700, traci@clipper.mb.ca
Lac du Bonnet / Winnipeg River area: Marlene Hrysio, 204-345-8459, ldbnews@clipper.mb.ca
HEAD OFFICE: 204-268-4700, mail@clipper.mb.ca
The Clipper's Coverage and Distribution Area: